Worlds’ vision


Aswan is the greatest adventure of the River Nile. According to locals nowhere else in the world is there such yellow coloured sand, because the sand of the desert here has magical power.

The Maasai

A semi-nomadic people living in Kenya and Tanzania. According to certain sources 1-1.5 million Maasai live in eastern Africa, e. g. 850 thousand by the census of Kenya in 2009.


5 to 8 million people live in the basin of the Amazon with three significant social groups among them: native Indians, Riberinhos alias Caboclos and new colonists, settlers of the modern age.


There are about 80 thousand Bedouins living in the Sinai regarding themselves as the descendants of the ancient Egyptians. Their ancestors have migrated from Arabia, not as a homogenous ethnic group.


Transylvania is a real travel in time. History has run through the small region surrounded by the Carpathians. Several peoples regard it as their own, while Transylvania has remained what it is in itself.